I Corinthians 9 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So, I do not run aimlessly, I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
I wonder. What would God do with my life if I gave Him everything I have? If I surrendered totally to His will; if I was obedient in every circumstance; if I laid it all down for His kingdom? What if I stepped into His will, took every thought captive, brought every decision to Him in prayer? What if I held my life loosely before Him and surrendered completely to His purpose for my life? What if I allowed Him complete and total control?
What if I decided that it was not enough for me to just be in the race; what if I raced as to be the winner of the prize; first place and not just a runner up? What would that look like?
Maybe a better question is, Why haven't I? What could possibly prevent me from doing that, especially when I consider ALL that He has done for me? How could I ever give Him anything less than all I have?
The sad truth; the tragic truth is that it is frighteningly easy. It is the doing of it that I find difficult. Discipline is hard. Self-control is hard. Denying self is hard. The cross is hard. And doing it consistently is harder still.
It is true that as long as we live in the flesh we will never be perfect. But that is not the real issue here. I am not talking about perfection. I am talking about my will. Forget perfection. Most of the time I barely get to adequate. Not even a middle of the pack runner. Not a jogger. Usually I am a walker. Content to be drifting along in the back somewhere as long as I am not dead last.
Besides not everyone can win, right? Have you seen the professional runners anyway? They are obsessed. They ruin ice cream for everyone. Perfectionists. They are consumed. What if someone called me a fanatic?
Besides not everyone can win, right? Have you seen the professional runners anyway? They are obsessed. They ruin ice cream for everyone. Perfectionists. They are consumed. What if someone called me a fanatic?
The truth is that I am not self disciplined. I am in love with the thought of being a runner but not with what it takes to actually be a runner.
Maybe if I could see ahead to the eternal prize that is waiting for the runner I would feel differently.
Hebrews 12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and the sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
And there it is. The motivation. A change in perspective. A cloud of witnesses in heaven and on earth. Cheering us on. Reminding us of what is important, really important. Eternally important. And that by throwing off the weights of laziness, worldliness and selfishness we are freed to run with endurance our own race, looking to the prize. The goal. Jesus. The One who ran before us in His own race. Running with joy. Because He could see beyond the here and now. He could see beyond the shame of this life. He could see beyond the agony of the cross. He could see the joy that was set before Him at the finish line. He could see His Father waiting at the finish line. So even though He despised the shame He found the prize worth racing for. He was willing to endure the present agony to attain the prize of eternal Lordship. Thereby bringing to His Father a host of heavenly runners. You. Me.
And He set an example for us. Run. Even when you despise it. Find a way to look ahead to the prize. Run to win. Run to Him.
II Timothy 4 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing.
Now that is worth running for.
Father. Forgive. Me. When I am selfish I will remember Your selflessness. When I am angry I will remember Your suffering. When I forget, remind me. Help me to look past my own self, past the world, past my desires and failures and look to the finish line. To my prize. You are my prize and my portion forever. I will run to You.
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