Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...
Luke 1 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin betrothed...
Revelation 9 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year were released...
Acts 17 Because He has fixed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness...
Just a thought.....Why THAT day?
Have you ever wondered about it?
In the beginning, not of God who has no beginning and no end, but the beginning of recorded time, He stepped into our lives. The God of all the universe, the Creator of all things that have ever been, created time and stepped into space and man became a living creature. God chose a moment to reveal Himself to creation. But why that day?
Why the OTHER day? The day that God chose to step into flesh Himself. Why not a million years earlier or two minutes after. Why this couple, or this body or this way?
Why the LAST day? The date that is already fixed in time for judgment?
God has chosen a day to begin; a day to be sacrificed and a day when time will end as we know it and eternity will begin.
So I ask the Lord, why?
And His answer reveals the depth of His love for me. Why Lord? His answer was, You. One second off either way, either day earlier or later and you would never have been. And you HAD to be. For I have loved you with an everlasting love. Before time. Before man. Before anything was...I am. It was for you. For all of you, My children.
Wonderful. Merciful. Savior.
I won't go into all the details, because most of them are over my head :), but look up for yourself the chances of you even existing. See what has to happen in every second for a specific person to be created. What you will find is that everything that has ever been, must have been in order for YOU to have been.
That is the wonder of who He is. He set it all in motion, the entire plan, the whole event, every moment so that you and I would be around to share in the glory that belongs to Him alone.
If that doesn't cause your heart to break, to swell with adoration, to bow low in worship then frankly, you might not have one.
Lord you are good beyond all measure. So to You alone belongs all praise, worship, adoration, glory and honor. That you would love us at all is amazing but that You would do all of this for us is incomprehensible.
and on THAT day, He died for us..and three days later was raised up from the dead. Happy Easter sweet Cami!! All praise and Halleluia to the LORD!