Luke 19 And when He drew near and saw the city (Jerusalem), He wept over it, saying, Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace!
Friday was a wonderful day. I met with two friends for a day of prayer and worship. Hot tea, Sons of Korah playing softly in the background, a warm fire, homemade cookies, anointing oil, foot washing....the works. Such a powerful time with the Lord. It was a day set aside for honesty, repentance and becoming accountable to one another. We had come together to ask the Lord for clarity and direction in our lives, particularly in areas of ministry.
I was up very late that night. Around three forty five in the morning I headed off for bed and somewhere between awake and asleep He drifts into my consciousness. It was a beautiful dream......
The Lord and I are in a courtyard garden in the beautiful city, Jerusalem. The weather is perfect. Warm. Springtime. We are talking about the garden and the things that will be planted there and as I am chatting away I notice that He has grown still and very quiet. When I look up at Him there is such a profound sadness in His eyes; a real sense of burdens that He carries in His shoulders; weighty thoughts shown clearly on the face of My Lord as He continues to gaze out at Jerusalem.
And so He speaks His heart, There is so much work to do.
And in that moment, I would do anything for Him. My heart is broken for Him. And very quietly I say, Lord what can I do. Just tell me where to go and how I can help You and He turns to look at me and says, There is so much work to you.
And i find it difficult to find the words to tell you how I felt in that moment. Just realizing that He was referring to me. I am broken. I need to be mended. I need to be healed.
Such great tenderness, such heavy burdens the Lord carries not just for the world, or Jerusalem, but for us.
What can we offer the Savior of the world? What gifts do we bring to Him? What needs does He have that we can fill? Oh Lord we can offer you nothing but willingness. We are vessels that until we are filled by You, for You and Only You, are worthless. It is only Your life, tucked inside of us that can accomplish anything at all for Your kingdom.
I loved seeing Your heart Lord. Thank You for speaking truth into my life. Thank You for reminding me that there is much to be done within my own life and my own heart. Give me courage to come to You Father and to let You continue to do the hard work in my life. Help me Father to speak openly and honestly, to speak of Your faithfulness, Your goodness, Your mercy and you never ending love.
Precious time w the LORD..