John 12 Now is My soul troubled. And what shall I say? "Father, save Me from the hour?" But for this purpose I have come to this hour.
Father, glorify Your Name.
Sometimes knowing the end of a story causes the beginning to lack impact. May it never be that we would consider the cross and not be impacted by the sheer horror of it.
One thing that amazes me about the life and ministry of Jesus is the fact that He could enjoy life and fulfill His purpose with the cross looming in His future. How could He function will clarity, form friendships, laugh, weep at the pain of others, teach, heal and love without measure when He knew what was coming?
And this is the point in which our minds might say, Well, He was God. And the thought is that it was easier for Him than it would have been for us. Right?
Now is My should troubled. And what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour?
He was a man. Flesh and blood. The Scripture says He became weary, sleepy, hungry and angry. He cried real tears and felt real human emotions. Like fear. Or dread. The Scriptures say He was tested in EVERY way like a man. Yet without sin.
But for this purpose I have come to this hour.
Father, glorify Your Name.
He chose the cross. He set His eyes toward Calvary and endured not just for us. For the great Name and glory of His Father and in accordance with His will.
All things were accomplished through the life, ministry and death of Jesus Christ. Our debt was settled; an atonement was made for our sin. Jesus completed His ministry through obedience to the His Fathers' plan and for His Fathers' glory.
Be magnified, O Lord!!
Hopefully, when we consider the cross we will be impacted by the act of His will and His love and His sacrifice.
When I survey the wondrous cross....
Lord Jesus may we never forget Your anguish, Your suffering and Your commitment. Remind us of the agony and sacrifice that was made for our souls. For Your devotion to our Father and for the price that You pain we are grateful. May our gratitude be reflected in the way we live.
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