II Corinthians 4 But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

If you will give Me your life I will make something beautiful out of it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Space

Ephesians 2   In Him (Christ) you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

I would like to have been a witness to Gods' creation of the world.  Can you imagine anything more wonderful?  The Scriptures teach that God created everything from empty spaces, even time was born.  By the power of the words from God's mouth all that has ever been came into being.  God spoke and it was so.  It makes me happy to see the flowers, my people, pop up out of the ground in spring and to realize that each one was hand crafted by my Father.

God revealed to us His majesty, His wisdom, His creativity in building this planet as a dwelling place for His people.  Since God never changes I imagine that this world is a mere shadow of the wonder that is waiting to be revealed in the life that follows this one.

Just as the earth was created for us to live in, our bodies were created as a dwelling place for the Spirit of our God.  Until we live with Him physically He lives with us spiritually so we will never feel alone or without His presence.

When I watch the news I realize just how far we will go to fill a void in our lives where the Spirit of God should be dwelling.  We are enslaved to every kind of evil.  We are designed to never feel truly complete until we are filled with God's Spirit.  Until that day there is a hole; something is missing from us.  And in an effort to fill that void we search for and become addicted to all that can be seen and felt and consumed.

Just as the earth would feel empty without the sound of laughter or music our lives are somewhat empty without the relationship that we were created to enjoy.

Because sin entered into the world by the disobedience of our first family, sin is a part of our heritage just like eye color or skin tone.  Jesus Christ came to give up His own life as a payment for that sin debt.  Because He was God in flesh and without sin His was the only death that was found acceptable to atone for ours.  By believing in Him, that is in His life, death and resurrection from the dead, and by accepting this gift of His forgiveness we place our trust, our very lives, in His care.  We give to Him our sin, our lives and He gives to us His forgiveness and His Spirit as a guarantee and as a Helper to us.   And we are found complete in Him forever.  We are sealed up by His Spirit in this life until we receive the promise of our inheritance in the life to come.

In Him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by His Spirit.

Father thank You for creating this wonderful world for us to live in.  Thank You for giving me life and for the new life that I am finding in Your Spirit.  Remember Lord that I am human and full of mistakes and weaknesses.  As we walk this life together give me opportunities to tell other people of Your great love for us and Your desire to give us a better, more complete life surrounded by Your love and graced with Your forgiveness.

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