Psalm 32 Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.
The last couple of weeks have been long. Packing, loading the truck, driving, unloading the truck, unpacking....We got home around three in the morning on Saturday and on Sunday Ken needed to drive to Cincinnati, another six hours and I went back and forth in my mind about whether I was going or not. In the end I decided to go. Another twelve hours in the car and two days of sitting in a hotel in the rain while he worked and had to ask myself, Why are you doing this?
I trust Ken completely so I never worry when he is out of town. I had a lot of things to do around the house, lot of people that I wanted to see and two days away from each other is not a problem, so why go?
On the way home when we were laughing and singing, talking about how much fun we had, all the cool places we ate, the much needed rest for me it occurs to me why I go with him. I truly enjoy being with him.
Be not like a horse or mule who must be curbed with bit and bridle or it will not stay near you.
Here is a bit of wisdom...Attachments that are formed from negative emotions breed negative feelings and reactions. For example a relationship with God based on fear will result in feelings of inadequacy and guilt. If we follow Him out of a sense of duty we will always lack effect and power in our lives. If we try to serve Him out of habit we will be lacking in genuine Christ-like love for our fellow believers.
Do we live near the Lord by bit and bridle? Fear or duty? Habit or need?
Or do we cling to Him out of the sheer joy of being in His presence? Does He make us laugh or dance or cry tears of joy? Does He produce in us an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the life that He has given us or delivered us from? Do our hearts swell up and our eyes overflow when we think of the price that He paid for us to be able to draw near? When He calls our name do we recognize His voice? Are we close enough to hear?
Song of Songs Have you seen Him whom my soul loves?
Ruth Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following after you. For where you go, I will go and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.
John 21 Simon, son of John, Do you love Me? He said to Him, Yes Lord, You know that I love You.
Father create in me a clean heart and pure hands. Teach me to be transparent and genuine. Instill within me a honest gratitude and affection for You, a pure love based on positive feelings of trust, admiration loyalty, respect and awe for the God You are, the man You are, the friend You are. To me. I love, love, love You Lord and I want that to hold me to You, and THAT alone.
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