Psalm 126 Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like the streams in the Negeb! Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts for joy! He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.
In less than three weeks my contract will be finished and we will be heading home to Tennessee.
For the last few years I have been plagued with restlessness, an uneasiness in my soul and spirit to find "home". Thankfully, Ken mirrors this in his own heart. We tease each other about being gypsies, bedouins or wanderers. When we are in Israel, we miss Chattanooga. When in California we long for Denver. When in Denver we dream of New York or Montana or Flat Rock. Strange.
Travel nursing has been both good and bad for our malady. It's temporary and yet by the time the term is up we are anxiously looking for next adventure. So, as is my usual in this blog, I ask the only One who knows...what is wrong with me now? :)
And my Father, gentle as ever, speaks to my heart, turning me towards eternity. I have placed eternity in the heart of every man.
There is a place in each of us that is ONLY satisfied by being in the presence of God. There is a longing at the core of our being to be with Him, to see Him, to touch Him and to be satisfied by Him. It is no coincidence that we are called the bride or that the reference is made so often to the marriage of the Lamb. We are His betrothed. He is our desire. And heaven is the place where the marriage feels consummated and we are, at long last, languishing in the arms of the lover of our souls.
So often I find that He comforts me in my weakness. I am hard on myself and in these hours before daylight He is with me urging me to be kind to myself. He speaks as a lover and a friend in my ear. Take heart my love. Rest easy. You will never be really "home" until you are in my arms at long last.
I am at rest. At peace. For Thou art with me.
Connie, I love the look and the name of the blog. Enjoy reading what the Lord is showing you. Will see you in a few weeks! Love, Margo