Matthew 7 And then I will declare to them, Depart from Me. I never knew you.
Just imagine....If you knew for certain that Christ would return in ninety days, that the Bible was true in its entirety, that anyone whose name was not found written in the Lambs Book of Life, anyone who had not been saved by an act of faith in Christ's death, burial and resurrection, would spend an eternity in the torment of hell....
If I could make you believe this and could convince you that you had ninety days to set your life in order and to make sure that everyone you know and love would be ready what would you be doing right now?
How would you spend the next ninety days? Would you spend hours in front of the television or the computer? Would you read long romance novels or horror stories? Maybe you would run up all your credit cards at the mall or add a wing onto the house or shop for a new car. None of these things are really bad, right? But these are things that people of leisure do, and we only have ninety days left, right?
Who told you that you have ninety days left?
What if you only have sixty or thirty or ten? What if someone important to you only has one day left, what then?
This is the thought that is haunting me today. And here is the question that I must ask, What are we doing, you and I, that really matters? What impact are we making on this world for eternity?
And what if we don't have ninety days?
Matthew 7 Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Matthew 6 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven where neither moth or rust destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Do we really believe that Jesus might return at any moment? Then why do our lives not reflect it?
Father I believe that I am guilty of the sin of indifference, just spending my life as if all was right in the world, content to work in my house or in my garden or to go to work to earn money to work in my house or in my garden, to while away the hours of time like You might not ever return and that somehow everyone that I know and love with magically end up in heaven with us and that we will all live happily ever after. Indifference to my neighbors, to Your voice, to Your plan, to Your Holy Scriptures, just living life for myself like it will never matter later on. Father forgive me. Place within the hearts of Your people a burning conviction that what we do with our life matters. It matters how we live. It matters how we spend our time. It matters if we share You with others, O God, drag us from this tendency to live a self-indulgent, self-centered, self-serving life with barely a glance toward heaven. You matter Lord. You matter to me.
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