Our house remodel is finally coming to an end. Just another couple of weeks and we should be done and I can finally say it is looking beautiful. I looked back at some pictures yesterday from day one and it is unrecognizable. I get so excited to think about actually living there.
This morning I am faced with an undeniable truth. This remodel parallels my own life.
When God found me, revealed Himself to me, I was much like my house in April after the storm. Broken and uninhabitable. It was raining on the inside. I was full of dark places and gaping wounds.
Lives, like houses, are not repaired overnight or without hard work. Sometimes things look worse before they look better. Dirt and mud must be scraped out, walls torn down and secret damages exposed and repaired.
We have loved this house back together. We could have repaired it with lesser quality materials, rented it out to someone else, taken the insurance money and bought a bigger house in a better neighborhood and we considered that. But we fell in love in this house. We had our first date in this house. We have had Christmases, birthdays and Thanksgivings in this house. It is our house and we love it despite its faults.
God loved me back together. He didn't give up on me or run out on me. I am His and He loves me despite my faults.
As pretty as our house is it is already depreciating. In a few years the paint will start to fade, floors will begin to squeak and the roof will need repaired again.
But God has something better for us.
Eye has not seen nor ear heard, not has it entered into the thoughts of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.
A home in heaven guaranteed not to fade away. Sealed upon the promises of God for those who wait for Him. For those who are called. For those who believe.
I want that. And I want you to be there.
My house is almost finished and I am happy and excited to live there but it cannot compare to what is waiting on me in heaven nor can it compare to the excitement of living there. To see my King! To see my father and all those who have gone before me that my heart loved and that I still miss.
John 14 Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you. I will go and prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am you may be also....Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one ones to the Father but through Me.
Father I love you beyond all else. You alone give life and life everlasting. Thank You for the promise of life to come. For a homeland that will never fade away and for my loved ones who wait for me there. I believe, God. I believe that You are and that You reward those who seek You. I trust You for I have found You faithful in all things.
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