The Scriptures say that Joseph got up while it was still night and left with his family. What an amazing man. Because of his faith in God and his obedience he saved his family and Jesus lived.
Wow, right?
Then Herod, when He saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under.
As far as we know the angel did not appear to any other family with a warning that would have saved their children.
This past weekend my sisters, Ken, Jaimie and I were sitting around a camp fire and the subject came up of why these things happen. We were discussing the recent Spring tornadoes and the miraculous stories of how people were rescued. May of them say that they were praying and believe that they are alive today because of God's grace and protection. The question was, What about those who were not spared? Does God have grace and favor for everyone or only for those that He chooses?
And I wish that I had an adequate answer for this question.
I am in a quiet place in my life and praise comes easily now. Our children are married and doing so well. My son is due home from deployment any day now. My granddaughter is a doll baby and our parents are relatively well for their ages. I cherish this time in my life.
But I believe that all of my past experiences have led me to this time in my life and the road that I have traveled to get to this day has been filled with times of great sadness.
What I do know is this: God is faithful.
Sorrows are a part of every life. Tragedy and illness and death find us all. This is a promise found in Scripture. Life is full of joy, passion, laughter and sunshine and it is also full of trouble. The good and the bad.
It is enough for me to know that He sees me and that He controls my life, my health, my family and the time of my death. He holds my future in His hands and I trust Him with it all.
It is easy to question God when things, terrible things, come our way. It is tough to praise when your heart is breaking. It is hard to trust when things fall apart.
But when they fall apart, (and they will) lean into Him. Just tell Him how you feel (He knows it anyway). Cry to Him and cling to Him and hold on to Him.
For He cares for you.
Only one Child was spared in Bethlehem. I do not know why the other children were allowed to be murdered but I do know why One was spared. He was the Savior of the world.
He had a later appointment with death. A brutal, tortuous death. He also had a life and a ministry and by Him all that will ever be saved, are saved.
Your life is not random. Your pain does not go unnoticed. You are not alone. He sees you.
Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.
Philippians 4 For I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Father thank You for times in life when things are good and praise is easy. Thank You for walking with me through the valleys and times when praise was difficult. Whatever happens in life You are good and You are sufficient. Thank You for being a God, a Father, a Friend who draw near in times of trouble. For those in my family who are suffering, for those reading who are suffering, for those around the planet who are near Lord. Be the Comforter who can be felt in the hearts of man. Be merciful, O Lord, to us.
Connie-through the tragedies I have faced in my life, one scripture ALWAYS makes sense of it. In EVERYTHING we should give thanks, for it is the will of God. Everything, for me, includes the death of one child AND the birth of three! I am no less thankful for the death than I am the births, simply because His will supplied both acts :) Very thought provoking blog! I love reading your treasures!