Acts 17 This I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward Him and find Him. Yet He is actually not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being.
If you know me or follow this blog then you must know that I am passionate about it. I named it, My passion for Israel. It is about my passion for the God of Israel, for the land of Israel and for the work that the Lord has called to do in the cities of Israel.
Along with this desire that the Lord has placed in my heart lives the passive nature that is my flesh. It is long past the time for me to let go of my fleshly personality flaws and cling to the life that He has chosen for me.
So, as much as I love to write and post this blog, this will be my last one. Until I post from Jerusalem.
I have learned that in order to be successful in difficult situations two things are necessary for me. Trusting in the Lord to be my strength and having an accountability partner. It is the only thing that keeps me from smoking. (That and the fact that the Lord refused to let me go to Israel again until I had given it up)
So by putting the truth in writing I hope to keep myself accountable. I will tell you plainly that the Lord called me to Israel to work in medical ministry nearly ten years ago. I am writing this from my home in Tennessee in part because of my own lack of faith and resistance to trust the Lord completely. Until I can walk the walk instead of just talk the talk, I will be silent. And maybe by becoming obedient the Lord will give me something worth saying.
I would like to share one last story of God's faithfulness to me since it is the theme of this work.
About a month ago I sent my work to a Christian publisher for the possibility of putting it all in print. I have thought a lot over the last six months about what I hoped to accomplish with this writing and it is this...I would like to earn an income sufficient to allow me to live in Israel for at least part of the year and to be able to share with others the faithfulness of Christ and His ability to make something out of nothing.
I contacted Jonathan at Shevet Achim and requested to return there for a season of time.
I asked the Lord to grant me favor in these requests and for a birthday present. I asked the Lord for the gift of a plane ticket. My birthday is on Tuesday. And as an act of faith in His ability to provide for all our needs according to His riches in glory I printed this on my blog and started packing.
Four days ago I was invited to return to Shevet Achim.
Three days ago I received an email from the Christian publisher offering to publish my book.
Two days ago Ken got a call to come to New York on Tuesday, my birthday, to audition for a part that would more than cover the cost of airfare to Israel.
Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
He is more than just a God who sits in the heavens or lives in the pages of an ancient book. He is a living, breathing, all powerful, sustaining Father who longs to give us ALL good things. He is able to deliver you. From ANYTHING. Just trust Him and I promise you, you will never be disappointed. He will change your life.
If you will give me your life I will make something beautiful out of it.
and have a ticket BACK to Israel!! GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! AMEN and HALLELUIA!! TO God be the Glory...
ReplyDeleteIt makes me sad that this is 'The LAST' but maybe it is just for a season...until you reach Jerusalem! Shalom my sister and Happy Birthday!