Do you believe this?
When I was a young child, before I became a believer or came to know God, the story of creation just made sense to me. I could look at the stars and moon, the wind and weather and watch our food just grow up out of the ground and it was just easy for my mind to transition into the thought that there was someone in the heavens that was bigger than us and that He must keep the whole thing running smoothly. It was my thought that he was wise and good. And distant.
Have you ever walked barefoot out to your own garden and picked a tomato that you had planted with your own hands, washed it off with a garden hose that had been lying in the sun so the water was nice and warm and bit into a ripe, juicy tomato? If you haven't, you should. My first thought would be, Thank You Lord for sunshine and tomatoes.
Other theories on creation just don't fit for me. Our world seems to be built with wisdom, creativity, order....intent.
Does it take a leap of faith to believe in creation by God?
Does it take faith to believe that we evolved from apes or came from the sea or are a product of an explosion in space?
Maybe before I came to know Him.
If you consider the ant, the brain, the conception of a child ask yourself if these things are random accidental events that occur by instinct alone and if so, who created that instinct.
I will not pretend to be wise enough to argue the great minds of science. I know the outskirts of science. But I have a working knowledge of its creator.
Trying to explain being filled with God's Holy Spirit is like trying to explain contractions to a man. But there is, living in the heart of every believer, the likeness and exact replica of that creator and it bears witness to the truth. He, the Holy Spirit, is our Amen. He is the One who leads us to truth.
Creation by God made sense to me as a child. But from the moment I placed my heart in Christ and He placed His Spirit in me it not only makes sense but is also no longer takes a leap of faith to believe it. Its just the way it is.
I would submit to you truth. There is a God in heaven who is present at all times. By His power and through His great love everything that you see was created for Him and by Him. Man was the crown of that creation, made in His own image and dearly loved. You were made to have a relationship with Him, not just knowledge of Him. It is the longing of His heart to redeem You.
If you can accept this as possible and in your heart allow him to reveal truth to you, to reveal Himself to you, you will never to disappointed.
Father reveal Yourself to those who read this. Make us aware of how much it matters, knowing You. You are everything.
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