So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female, He created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that is on the face of all the earth...And God saw everything that He had made; and behold, it was very good.
Whenever I read the story of creation I fall in love with God all over again. I imagine Him smiling when the first rays of the sun appeared and warmed everything within it's reach. I think of the creativity and wisdom involved in developing the tides and seasons or the sense of humor that went into the design of the giraffe or the anteater. Each flower designed by hand and built to reproduce by a loving craftsman, a master gardener.
There is a truth in this story that brings me to my knees.
It was for us.
On the last day of creation when all else was done, the sun and moon, rivers and seas, mountains and valleys and every creature that draws breath on land, in the sea or sky were in place, God on this last day, creates man and woman. He blessed them, gave them dominion over everything that He had just made and placed them in a beautiful garden to love and help one another.
I believe that all that was ever made was made for us.
And we were made for Him.
You cannot afford to miss this.
He made us for each other and to care for the earth and to be a people for His own. You were made for Him. To follow Him. To have a real relationship with Him. To love Him.
If you are in love just imagine for a moment that this man was made for you and that before you fell for him he had a plan to win you. Imagine he purchased the most beautiful piece of property with a creek and a waterfall, meadows full of wild flowers and a charming cottage that he had made with his own hands. A pond that he had stocked himself and a meadow with a pony and puppy all in preparation for the life that you two would have together. To marry and raise a family there. To grow up and grow old and fall in love there. Everything that you could ever want is there. Sure, there will be hard times, fights, sickness or sorrows but such is life, right? Even a good one.
But she, you, find yourself indifferent to his offering. You doubt, without reason, his sincerity and despite everything he has done you walk away.
She gives herself to lesser things.
Surely somewhere in the recesses of your mind and heart you hear the call of your Creator?
Come home. Come back to me.
Song of Solomon The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes, leaping over the mountains, bounding over the hills. My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Behold, there he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows, looking through the lattice. My beloved speaks and says to me,
"Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away".
He has made a dwelling place for you. He has made a place in His world for you. He has a place in His heart for you. He wait and longs for you.
Do you have room in your life for someone who loves you that much or will you be indifferent to his labors and give yourself to lesser things and walk away.
Consider this.....where will you go?
Father, there is nothing greater in this life or the next to surpass knowing You. Lead us to truth Lord and remove the lies in our hearts about who You are and what You are like. Reveal Yourself to us. Goodness, mercy, integrity, patience, loving kindness and unending love. Forgive us for ever thinking that you are less.
Oh how I've missed you!